How Does 4D Cavi Inch Loss Work?
The 4D Cavi Inch Loss (Ultrasonic Cavitation) treatment head emits ultrasonic sound energy at 40-50kHz at two separate modulations, which penetrates the skin to a depth of approximately 8-9mm. This is just deep enough to reach the subcutaneous fat layer.
This causes the following distinct therapeutic effects :-
- Low pressure bubbles are formed within the fat cells (known as “Adipocytes”), causing the cell membranes to rupture, releasing the contents into the space between the fat cells (the “interstitial space”).
- The ultrasonic sound energy pulverises the adipocytes, causing the cell membranes to rupture and forcing the fat cell contents to release their contents.
- The contents of the fat cells (Fatty Acids, Triglycerides and water) spill out from the broken cell membranes and are released into the interstitial space. This mechanism of action is not “liquefaction of fat”, it is the instant emptying out of the cells rather than the destruction of them. (referred to as lipolysis).
- The second modulation causes a positive pressure wave through the interstitial space, promoting accelerated lymphatic drainage, to accelerate the results beyond anything you may have experienced before!

This amazing process takes place with no affect to the neighbouring structures such as skin, blood vessels, and peripheral nerves.
Within 48 hours after treatment, undertaking some form of (preferably cardio vascular) exercise to raise your heart rate, therefore increase your metabolic rate, will ensure you retain the results delivered during the treatment.
Your body will use the fuel available in your blood stream, which includes the Fatty Acids and Triglycerides released by the 4D Cavi Inch Loss treatments.
Once the “fuel” in the bloodstream has been used up, your Liver will begin to target the remaining fat deposits (starting with those most easily broken down – the treated areas) for further “fuel”.
Therefore, the more exercise you undertake between treatments, the better your results will be! 4D Cavi Inch Loss is a fantastic means of “reminding” your body about those long dormant fat deposits that no amount of exercise seems to be able to target. This is why we find 4D Cavi Inch Loss delivers simply astonishing results for such a wide variety of clients!!! Even if you've tried other ultrasonic cavitation treatments before (such as 3D Lipo, or Cavi Sculpt), they simply can't compare to the amazing results we can achieve with our all new 4D Cavi Inch Loss treatments!
Each “treatment” session comprises 20-40 minutes of 4D Cavi application, depending upon the area being treated.
4D-Cavi Inch Loss FAQs
Who can be treated with 4D Cavi?
Neal2022-05-01T23:51:15+00:00Due to the non-invasive nature of our 4D Cavi Ultrasonic Inch Loss treatments, they are suitable for both men and women that wish to look their best and do not wish to endure the costs and risks of cosmetic surgery. However, there are a number of clinical conditions that would prevent treatment, please check the "Can I be treated" tab on this page for more details. If you have any specific questions or requirements, please contact us for more information.
Will the fat cells refill or come back?
Neal2022-05-01T23:50:36+00:00Not if you carry on with your new healthy lifestyle (portion controlled meals and regular exercise). After a period of 4-8 months, the body will naturally breakdown and remove the ruptured and unused fat cells.
I have lost weight and been left with loose skin. Will the treatment work for me?
Neal2022-05-02T00:29:58+00:00Yes, although you could also consider our Body Sculpting and Skin Tightening or Non-Surgical Face and Neck Lifting treatments, as they are specifically designed to tighten and smooth loose skin.
Do I need to exercise after 4D-Cavi treatment?
Neal2022-05-01T23:48:11+00:00Unfortunately, yes. The 4D Cavi Inch Loss treatments will release the stored fats into your lymphatic and venous system. You need to increase your metabolic rate (how quickly your body uses the available fuel) through exercise. For those who are not able to, or simply do not enjoy "normal exercise, We recommend vibration plate-based exercise as a low impact method of increasing your heart rate and rapidly burning calories (fuel). You must exercise for at least 30 minutes between each of your 4D Cavi Ultrasonic Inch Loss treatments to ensure you achieve optimal results.
If you don't want to, or simply can't exercise, you should consider our latest 4D-Cryo "Fat Freezing" inch loss treatments instead.
Is 4D-Cavi inch loss safe?
Neal2022-05-01T23:46:43+00:00Yes. The ultrasonic "sound" energy used is extremely safe and the entire process is completely non-invasive. The process has undergone examination and assessment by several medical bodies. We use the most advanced technology available and have one of the most experienced technicians in the country providing treatments, so you are in extremely safe hands.
Where does the fat go after 4D-Cavi treatments?
Neal2022-05-01T23:45:58+00:00Ultra safe, high frequency (ultrasonic) sound waves are generated and transmitted into the area to be treated. This energy is in two specific modulations resulting in a dual effect (2x2 = 4D Cavi!). The first effect is the creation of low pressure bubbles within the fat cells. This causes the fat cells to swell and relax, resulting in rupture of the cell membrane. This releases the fats and water into the lymphatic and venous system as a readily available source of fuel for the body. The second modulation causes a positive pressure wave through the interstitial space, promoting accelerated lymphatic drainage, to accelerate the results beyond anything you may have experienced before!
Is 4D-Cavi inch loss similar to 3D Lipo and Cavi Sculpt?
Neal2022-05-01T23:45:06+00:00Sussex Laser Lipo's 4D Cavi Inch Loss Treatments leverage the principles of Ultrasonic Cavitation in much the same way as 3D-Lipo and Cavi Sculpt. However, Sussex Laser Lipo utilise the new 4D-Sculpt platform from the pioneers at PureGenex. The 4D-Sculpt implements dual modulation Ultrasonic Cavitation, combined with Multi-Polar Radio Frequency in the same treatment head, to deliver dual benefits - 2 x 2 = 4D Cavi Inch Loss!
This application of dual modulation ultrasonic energy technology, along with combined Radio Frequency, unique to the PureGenex 4D-Sculpt, delivers unbeatable Inch Loss results that simply have to be experienced to be believed!
What is “4D Cavi”?
Neal2022-05-01T23:44:08+00:00Ultra safe, high frequency (ultrasonic) sound waves are generated and transmitted into the area to be treated. This energy is in two specific modulations resulting in a dual effect (2x2 = 4D Cavi!).
The first effect is the creation of low pressure bubbles within the fat cells. This causes the fat cells to swell and relax, resulting in rupture of the cell membrane. This releases the fats and water into the lymphatic and venous system as a readily available source of fuel for the body.
The second modulation causes a positive pressure wave through the interstitial space, promoting accelerated lymphatic drainage, to accelerate the results beyond anything you may have experienced before!
If you want to treat a specific area, such as thighs or bottom, speak to one of our staff to find out more about our special combined "Aesthetic" treatment packages.
What happens when I come for 4D-Cavi ultrasonic cavitation fat reduction treatment?
Neal2022-05-01T23:43:36+00:00Your 4D Cavi Inch Loss experience will begin with a FREE consultation. During this we will discuss the areas of your body you would like to improve, the likely length of treatment required and how those areas will be targeted by the treatments. Following the consultation and the completion of a medical questionnaire, the targeted fatty area will then be accurately measured and recorded to enable us to monitor your progress. The treatments will then commence as follows :-
Treatment gel will be applied to the treatment area. This ensures optimal transmission of the Ultrasonic energy and lubricates the treatment head as it passes over your skin.
The 4D Cavi Inch Loss treatment will then begin. During the treatment, your therapist will move the treatment head across the treated area using our unique patterns. These have been specially developed through months of in-clinic testing on real people to ensure optimal application of the dual modulation 4D Cavi ultrasonic energy.
After treatment, the area will be cleaned and dried, then the treated area will be re-measured to assess the inch-loss achieved. You can expect to see a reduction of between 1.5 and 8 inches across all areas (3.25 and 20cm’s) with a single treatment!
In order to increase the body’s ability to remove the Triglycerides (the contents released from the fat cells in the treated area), it is necessary to assist this natural process by increasing the metabolic rate through some form of cardio vascular exercise.
Which areas can be treated with 4D-Cavi inch loss?
Neal2022-05-01T23:42:27+00:00Most areas of the body can be treated, but our 4D Cavi Inch Loss Treatments are especially effective in combating fatty deposits in the following areas :-
- Stomach (Abdomen)
- Hips and buttocks
- Upper & Lower back fat
- Flanks
- Baby bulge
- Male breasts (Gynecomastia)
- Legs (inner and outer thighs, calves)
Can I be treated?
Neal2022-05-01T23:24:55+00:00If you are a healthy adult, over the age of 18 and capable of performing a little regular exercise, to burn off the “fuel” released by the treatments, the answer is usually a resounding “YES”!!!
The following medical conditions will mean we CANNOT treat you with our pioneering Cavitation and Vacuum RF treatments, including the Brazilian Bum Lift, Cellulite Reduction and 4D-Cavi Inch Loss . This is in the best interest of your health and to ensure there are no complications with your condition, so please don’t be offended if we are unable to treat you as a result of one of these conditions being present :-
- Pacemaker or internal defibrillator
- Superficial metal or other implants in the treatment area, such as dental crowns, bridges, pins or plates.
- Any form of prosthesis, replacement joint or metal plates in the treated area (e.g. upper leg prosthesis, replacement hip, etc.)
- Current or history of skin cancer, as well as any other type of cancer, or pre malignant moles.
- Pregnancy and nursing.
- Impaired immune system, such as AIDS and HIV, or use of immuno-suppressive medications.
- Diseases which may be stimulated by light at the wavelengths used, such as history of Systemic Lupus, Erythematosus, Porphyria and Epilepsy.
- A history of diseases stimulated by heat, such as recurrent Herpes Simplex in the treatment area, may be treated only following a prophylactic regime.
- Varicosity in the treatment area, or surrounding areas, suffering from haemophilia, or susceptible to severe bruising
- Poorly controlled endocrine disorders, such as diabetes or Poly-Cystic Ovary.
- Any active condition in the treatment area, such as sores, psoriasis, eczema or undiagnosed rashes.
- Facial laser resurfacing and deep chemical peeling, Botox or fillers within the last 3 months, especially if face is treated.
- Any surgical procedure in the treatment area within the last 3 months or before complete healing.
If you are in any doubt and the answers to your questions are not contained within this site, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to discuss the treatments with you in more detail.
Should I have 4D-Cryo, Accelerated Laser Lipo, or 4D-Cavi inch loss?
Neal2022-05-01T11:41:21+00:00Both 4D-Cryo and our unique Accelerated Laser Lipo Inch Loss Treatments deliver outstanding inch loss and body contouring capabilities, so how do you choose which would work best for you?
Laser Lipo is based on the use of Laser light energy to stimulate the inch loss process. This has the following benefits compared to Cryogenic Lipolysis :-
- Delivers immediate inch loss results
- Treats a larger area during a course
- Promotes skin tightening
4D-Cryo Thermal Shock and EMS (also known as "Fat Freezing"), leverages the principle of "popsicle apoptosis" to cause the death of fat cells with a single treatment. This has the following benefits compared to Laser Lipo :-
- No exercise required after treatment
- Can treat directly over tattoos without the risk of fading the tattoo
- Once in remission for more than 2 years, Cancer is no longer a contra-indication for Cryogenic Lipolysis
Therefore, the decision is primarily determined by your personal situation, goals and preferences. Ask yourself the following questions and then look below for the best fit for you :-
- Do you have tattoos, especially in the area you would like to have treated?
- Are you unable or unwilling to exercise?
- Have you suffered from cancer? If so, have you been in remission for more than 2 years?
- Are you prepared to wait 8-12 weeks for the full inch loss results to be achieved naturally (without the need to exercise)? (NOTE :- Most clients see some visible results within 4-6 weeks)
If your answers were mostly "Yes", our 4D-Cryo Fat Freezing and EMS Inch Loss Treatments would be well suited to you.
If your answers were mostly "No", our Accelerated Laser Lipo or 4D-Cavi Inch Loss Treatments are more likely to meet your needs.
If you are still unsure, please contact us to discuss your options, or book in for a free consultation.
What do the treatments feel like?
Neal2022-05-01T09:47:55+00:00Most clients have told us that the treatment is extremely comfortable and pleasant, feeling like a gentle deep heating sensation beneath their skin.
Will I be able to drive after my treatment?
Neal2022-11-02T13:06:14+00:00Yes. The treatment is completely non-invasive and has no "down-time". You are free to carry on with your normal daily activities immediately after treatment.
What do I do whilst the treatment is taking place?
Neal2022-05-01T10:07:39+00:00This is entirely up to you, as long as you can remain still and lying down. Many clients read magazines (we provide a range to choose from), others take the opportunity to take a quick nap! We also offer free Wi-Fi Internet Access for customers whilst they are waiting and during the treatments, just ask for details when you arrive.
4D-Cavi Inch LossFrom Only£71
BOOK NOW- Ultrasonic Cavitation
- Combined with RF
- Fast & Effective
- No down-time
- Great Value!
Amazing results, so pleased!
Mear is professional and approachable and talked me through various treatments. Really pleased with results so far! Getting married in 2 months and know have more confidence being in my wedding dress in front of everyone!
All testimonials are the opinion of the individual. Any results described or claimed within these testimonials are specific to that individual customer. Results can vary and there are many factors that effect the results achieved by each individual customer, including but not limited to lifestyle, age, diet, etc. As such, we are not able to provide guaranteed results. We will commit to engaging with you as a customer to achieve the best results possible in your given situation.