4D-Body+ PressotherapyPROMOTES WELLBEING£30
BOOK NOW- Stimulates lymphatic drainage
- Relieves swelling and drains toxins
- Reduces muscular tension
- Completely pain free
- No needles or chemicals
How Does 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy Work?
At Sussex Laser Lipo, we use the latest advancement in non-invasive commcerical aesthetic technology! Our new 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy treatments help with lymphatic drainage, potentially making the arms, legs, or abdomen look slimmer or more defined. The treatment may also ease aches and pains, and detoxify the body from a buildup of toxins.
By applying controlled air pressure through inflation pockets within a suit, lymphatic pressure is temporarily increased in targeted areas of the body. It feels like a strong massage and should be a relaxing and experience.
You will feel relaxed and rejuvenated from the first 4D-Bidy+ Pressotherapy treatment, but we recommend a course of treatments, over a number of weeks, for optimal results.
Each individual treatment can cover the whole body, including feet, legs, abdomen and arms.
What does 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy do?
Use of controlled air pressure to stimulate lymphatic drainage and drive toxins from the outer extremeties to achieve the following objectives :-
- Reduce muscular tension
- Reduce daily stress
- Help to relieve muscle and joint pain
- Stimulate the immune system
- Activate venous and lymphatic circulation
- Stimulate blood exchange and improve circulation
- Help to drain toxins and wastes
- Help to relieve swelling
In some clients, 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy has also been found to have the following effects :-
- Aid Digestion
- Can help with Cellulite and Weight Loss
- Relieves tired/heavy legs
- Alleviates symptoms of Rheumatism and Migrane Headaches
- Can aid in lowering Blood Pressure
- Increases oxygen flow to the body's tissues and helping them regenerate
- Aids in recovering skin elasticity
- Aid in easing constipation
- Relieve swelling post liposuction
- Relieve symptoms of Menopause
- Relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia
4D-Body+ Pressotherapy FAQs
Are there any contraindications for 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy?
Neal2023-11-04T19:17:58+00:00If you have any of the following conditions, you would not be suitable for 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy treatment :- • Pregnancy and breastfeeding • Endocrine diseases • Heart diseases • Skin diseases • Diseases of liver and kidney (stone disease, etc.) • Presence of Pain or Numbness • Tuberculosis • Pacemakers and defibrillators • Severe Inflammation, or current infections in areas to treated • Cancer • High Fever • Metal pins and plates • Recent Surgery • Epilepsy • High Blood Pressure (or taking medication to lower blood pressure) • DVT • Diabetes (uncontrolled)How long is a treatment and how often can I have 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy treatment?
Neal2023-11-04T19:15:23+00:00Sessions typically last around 35 minutes and is recommended to be repeated weekly. However, twice weekly treatment can be carried out if you wish to accelerate the process.What areas are treated with 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy?
Neal2023-11-04T19:14:07+00:004D-Body+ Pressotherapy treats your arms, abdomen, legs and feet.What do I wear for 4D-Body+ Pressotherapy?
Neal2023-11-04T19:12:43+00:00Wear comfortable clothes that covers the area of the bare skin to be treated for hygiene reasons. For lower body you can wear leggings, soft joggers or soft track pants with socks, or a long-sleeved, soft top for the upper body.4D Cryo Inch Loss!
Mear was professional and wonderful. Cannot get a better and friendly service. Procedure was an experience. I have lost an inch around my arms. Thank you.
All testimonials are the opinion of the individual. Any results described or claimed within these testimonials are specific to that individual customer. Results can vary and there are many factors that effect the results achieved by each individual customer, including but not limited to lifestyle, age, diet, etc. As such, we are not able to provide guaranteed results. We will commit to engaging with you as a customer to achieve the best results possible in your given situation.