Courses of Accelerated Laser Lipo Inch Loss Treatments
Course of 6 normally £390, Now only £312
Course of 12 normally £660, Now only £528
Special discounts offered on all daytime appointments* Monday-Friday, 9am to 2pm
Quote “SLLDaytime” when booking your appointments to save 20%!
*Conditions and restrictions apply
- New bookings only.
- Applies to courses of Accelerated Laser Lipo Inch Loss, Ultimate Cellulite, RF Skin Tightening, Stretch Mark Reduction, PureShape, PureFirme and PureFirm-i only (Does not apply to PureCryo).
- Discount will be calculated and applied at the beginning of a course / treatment.
- All appointments in a course of treatments must be booked for applicable times and days for discount to apply to course. Discount will not be applied to part(s) of course(s).
- All appointments must be booked and paid for in full prior to the commencement of treatment.
- No pro-rated refunds.
- Applies to appointments booked, or courses starting before Friday 28th February 2014.
- Only appointments taking place on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
- Only appointments starting between 9am and 2pm GMT.
- Appointments available on a first come, first served basis and cannot be reserved without payment.
- Appointments subject to availability.
- Sussex Laser Lipo reserve the right to modify the terms of this offer, or terminate the offer at any time.